Latin Derivatives

Words #61-120

Latin 1 Quizzes

Eugene R. Moutoux

Eastern High School, Louisville, KY 40243

Latin 1 Quiz 7: Derivatives #61-70

Choose all words from the box below. No word should be used more than once.

A. Fill in the blanks with the words defined.

____________ 1. 1) slavery; 2) forced labor as a punishment

____________ 2. present everywhere at the same time

____________ 3. a servant whose servitude is attached to an estate rather than to a person

____________ 4. plentiful, abundant

____________ 5. especially in England, a clergyman who assists a pastor, rector, or vicar

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, altered if necessary to make them grammatically correct.

6. A liberal if ever there was one, she found the minister's ____________ stifling and altogether without appeal.

7. The proscription of ____________ work on Sunday seems to have gone the way of the condemnation of lending money at interest, called usury in the Middle Ages.

8. Twice each day without fail, the bells of the village church ____________ their message of redemption to the local peasants, who, upon hearing them, would stop what they were doing and pray the "Angelus."

9. In a democracy, the politically empowered are supposed to be aware of and ____________ to the needs of the people.

10. The theft of the painting was reported to the ____________, who in turn informed the police.


copious curator formalism ubiquitous curate
servile clarion servitude subservient  serf
Latin 1 Quiz 8: Derivatives #71-80

Choose all words from the box below. No word should be used more than once.

A. Fill in the blanks with the words defined.

____________ 1. having to do with sailors, ships, or navigation

____________ 2. to move in the manner of waves; to have a wavy form or


____________ 3. having no money; broke

____________ 4. having a friendly disposition, peaceable

____________ 5. shaped like a worm

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, altered if necessary to make them grammatically correct.

6. Fresh out of ideas and in need of 100 more words, Jason hammered out a final paragraph of sheer ____________.

7. In desperate times some people turn to astrology and ____________ for enlightenment.

8. In the summer of 1993 the waters of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers ____________ some 13 million acres of land in nine states.

9. Unconvinced that the speaker had researched his topic extensively, someone in the audience asked him to ____________ his principal sources.

10. ____________ problems drove him to drink, and drinking dulled his financial insights, thus creating a downward spiral with skid row at the bottom.


numerology pecuniary impecunious nautical redundancy
enumerate inundate vermiform amiable undulate
Latin 1 Quiz 9: Derivatives #81-90

Choose all words from the box below. No word should be used more than once.

A. Fill in the blanks with the words defined.

____________ 1. 1) to give pleasure to; 2) to satisfy

____________ 2. to blot out; to destroy so as to leave no trace of

____________ 3. 1) to force into military service; 2) to seize (property) for military or government use

____________ 4. friendly (said of actions)

____________ 5. peace and friendship

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, altered if necessary to make them grammatically correct.

6. The ____________ translation of a passage can result in a misrepresentation of the author's intended meaning.

7. Because education is valued so highly in this country, only one percent of the population is ____________.

8. ____________ advice has strained many a friendship.

9. Wishing to ____________ himself with the king, the miller boasted that his daughter could spin straw into gold.

10. In his well-known poem "The Raven," Edgar Allan Poe makes extensive use of ____________.


illiterate gratuitous amicable literal ingratiate
amity obliterate alliteration gratify commandeer
Latin 1 Quiz 10: Derivatives #91-100

Choose all words from the box below. No word should be used more than once.

A. Fill in the blanks with the words defined.

____________ 1. able to be shown or proved

____________ 2. to cancel or recall (an order, a command)

____________ 3. 1) to accuse publicly; 2) to condemn strongly

____________ 4. official approval or commendation

____________ 5. 1) showing clearly; 2) characterized by the clear and energetic expression of feelings

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, altered if necessary to make them grammatically correct.

6, 7. A ____________ must either die or adapt when its natural ____________ becomes extinct.

8. Surrounded by reporters, the outstanding students listened with pride to the ____________ of the President.

9. There was confusion among the royalty following the ____________ of the throne by the crown prince.

10. The lopsided vote was interpreted by most political analysts as a ___________ for legislative change.


renunciation demonstrable commendation predatory demonstrative
countermand prey denounce mandate approbation
Latin 1 Quiz 11: Derivatives #101-110

Choose all words from the box below. No word should be used more than once.

A. Fill in the blanks with the words defined.

____________ 1. of, relating to, or constituting punishment

____________ 2. extending back into the past beyond the bounds of memory

____________ 3. to express disapproval directly to a person at fault

____________ 4. absorbed in thought, lost in thought

____________ 5. a biography written by someone with a close personal knowledge of the subject

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, altered if necessary to make them grammatically correct.

6. In 1995 a statue of the raising of the American flag on the island of Iwo Jima was erected at Arlington Cemetery to ____________ those who fought and died for their country.

7. Opponents of capital punishment argue that the death penalty is purely ____________; it does not, they insist, deter violent crime more effectively than imprisonment.

8. Dr. Martin Luther King was able to ____________ large numbers of people to take an active role in the civil rights movement.

9. By ____________ deeper and deeper into the universe, scientists may someday discover life beyond the planet earth.

10. No young person should be allowed to violate school and domestic rules with ____________.


probe reprove incite  commemorate immemorial
memoir preoccupied impunity penal punitive
Latin 1 Quiz 12: Derivatives #111-120

Choose all words from the box below. No word should be used more than once.

A. Fill in the blanks with the words defined.

____________ 1. tending to keep things as they are, to resist change

____________ 2. eager to fight

____________ 3. a building equipped with a telescope for observing the stars and planets

____________ 4. a school or academy of music or art

____________ 5. narrow-minded, unsophisticated

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, altered if necessary to make them grammatically correct.

6. Many people believe that the so-called golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," expresses the ____________ of virtuous living

7. Zoos, a source of joy to many, are ____________ to some animal-rights advocates.

8. By building the largest castle on the Rhine, the prince hoped to ____________ his prestige, which had been dealt a severe blow when the Emperor declined his invitation to visit.

9. Our company has ____________ itself with a former rival; now business is better than ever.

10. Genuine devotion to one's parents makes the performance of ____________ duties seem easy.


observatory quintessence pugnacious conservatory filial
provincial conservative affiliate augment repugnant
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